
Íslenska English

Event Organizer

Hjólreiðadeild Breiðabliks
SSN. 430215-1240
Dalsmári 5
201 Kópavogur
Andri Már Helgason
Phoneno.: 859 3215

Registered contestants

Registration terms

Your registration
The race takes you through Reykholtsdalur and Lundareykjadalur, two beautiful agricultural valleys filled with grass fields, salmon rivers and sheep. The climb out of Lundareykjadalur is called Uxahryggir, it is a approx 15 km (9 mi) climb of 300 m (980 ft). Many waterfalls can be seen on this part. The Kaldidalur highland road is next. It can only be described as magnificent, set in a desolate post-glacial surroundings. The road is a bit rougher than up till now. The highest point of Kaldidalur is at approx. 700 m (2,300 ft) and the view is great in all directions. The glacier Eiríksjökull can be seen from there as well as the former glacier Ok. The descent down to Húsafell takes you through contrasting nature, starting in the post glacial desert and ending in the low forest and clear rivers of Húsafell. From there you ride through some beautiful agricultural valleys of Hvítársíða. The great glacial river Hvítá runs down this valley and can be great inspiration for wild riding.

Further info, privacy policy, terms and conditions and event rules can be found on

Gift Cards to Krauma
Pls. note that every participant will receive a gift card that can be used to enter Krauma. Gift cards will be sent out in bulk later on. You can use this gift card before the race, on the race day or just when you have the time. Note however that you will need to make a reservation, even if you plan on entering the baths on the Race Day.

48. hrs. offer
This offer is open from 12:00 on the 28th of July until the 30th of July at 12:00. This registration is only valid to the race and does not include a voucher to Krauma.

Contestant information

Emergency information
These are information we need in case of emergency.

